Current Issue

Vol. 6 No. 1 (2024): General Issue
					View Vol. 6 No. 1 (2024): General Issue
Published: 2024-03-18
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MOSF Journal of Science Fiction seeks to uphold the spirit of educated inquiry and speculation through the publication of peer-reviewed, academic articles, essays and book reviews exploring the interdisciplinary nature of science fiction. The journal welcomes unsolicited, original submissions from academics around the world about science fiction in all media (literature, film, television, videogames, art, oral history, etc.). Issues are published three times a year and each issue will feature 8 to 12 academic articles.

The MOSF Journal of Science Fiction's editorial team keeps the journal's focus and scope relatively vague on purpose: if you think your work fits with our scope, we want to see it. By keeping our scope broad and interdisciplinary, we're encouraging authors to send us manuscripts that open our eyes to new analyses of the science fiction genre.

The new issue is now out! Check out our new articles and book reviews in the Current issue! Past issues are available in Archives.

We are currently accepting submissions on a rolling basis. We seek both researched academic articles (5,000-8,000 words) and short, reflective essays (500-1,000 words) on science fiction. To submit your work, visit the Submissions page, create an account, and follow the submission prompts.

Peer Review:
Interested in joining our team of peer reviewers? Please  register and indicate your interest in volunteering as a reviewer. We'll draw from this reviewer database for our peer review process.

Book Reviews:
For more information about reviewing books for our journal, or if you are a publisher who wants to send materials to us for review, please refer to the MJOSF Reviewer Guidelines.

Register and indicate that you would like to be notified when new issues of MOSF Journal of Science Fiction are available.

Editorial Team:
If you're interested in becoming a volunteer member of our editorial team, please contact Managing Editor Aisha Matthews (aisha.matthews (at) with a cover letter and updated CV or resume.

The nonprofit Museum of Science Fiction will be the world’s first comprehensive science fiction museum, covering the history of the genre across the arts and providing a narrative on its relationship to the real world. The Museum will show how science fiction continually inspires individuals, influences cultures, and impacts societies. Also serving as an educational catalyst to expand interest in the science, technology, engineering, art, and math (STEAM) areas, the Museum uses tools such as mobile applications and wifi-enabled display objects to engage and entertain.

The Museum of Science Fiction is a 501(c)(3) organization.

Learn more about the Museum of Science Fiction at